2025 NCTA TDC/Top Tech Tent Space Request Form
****All request forms are due by May 23, 2025****
This year, all tents will be assigned spaces (no exceptions) by the TDC/Top Tech Committee. Space needs MUST be presented in advance. Tent users must follow the Fairgrounds Rules and Regulations and NO SET UP will be allowed before 2:00PM on Thursday, June 5th to allow time for the course to be set up for the competition (This includes outside tent vendors and shippers). Space will be assigned prior to the event and you will receive a map indicating location for your set up.
1. All companies are responsible for leaving a clean area at closing.
2. Space will be assigned by the TDC/Top Tech Committee.
3. You MUST have a fire extinguisher on hand.
4. Structures must be constructed of flame-resistant material or treated with a flame retardant.
5. No smoking, cooking or other open flame permitted within 20 feet of structures.
6. No stakes. Sandbags MUST be used to secure tents.
7. Follow all rules established by the Temporary Tents and Membrane Structure for the North Carolina State Fairgrounds.
8. All tents will be subject to inspection by local agencies.
If you have any questions, please email Laura at lsherman@nctrucking.com