TDC/Top Tech Volunteer Form

Truck Driving Championship & Top Tech Volunteer Registration Form

June 6-7, 2025

NC State Fairgrounds

Raleigh, NC

All volunteers must submit a volunteer registration form.

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

(Please provide cell phone number)

Please indicate which volunteer roles you are interested in.

Test Proctor - Monitor the administration of the written test
Squad Leader
Registration - Check in drivers and handout name tags and programs
Pre-Trip Inspection
Starting Line
Equipment Handling (Requires CDL-A)
Score Keeper - follow driver on golf course and hand score card to judges
Time Keeper - drive golf cart behind drivers and time their course run
Thursday Set Up (2pm-5pm)
Top Tech Volunteer
Thursday transfer supplies to Fairgrounds from NCTA Office (12pm-2pm)

Please indicate all available times.  Once volunteer assignments have been made, you will receive an email with your shift times.

Friday 7am-12pm
Friday 12pm-5pm
Saturday 6am-9am
Saturday 9am-12pm
Saturday 12pm-2pm
Thursday 2pm-5pm
Thursday 12pm-2pm with Vehicle

If you have a preference please indicate below:

Top Tech