Fleet Safety Award

2025 Fleet Safety Contest Entry Form

North Carolina Trucking Association

****All entries and documentation are due by AUGUST 15, 2025****

This award recognizes trucking companies for their cumulative safety performance. Competing in several size categories, companies report their mileage and the number of accidents in the previous year. After auditing the results, the Council recognizes those deemed to be the safest trucking companies in North Carolina.

To Apply:

1.  Obtain your Carrier Safety Profile in pdf format
2.  Obtain a Company DOT Accident Register of Jan-Dec of the prior year
3.  Complete the required information below and upload your completed documentation


**LOCAL miles are defined as leaving a NC terminal and returning to a NC terminal in one working day, regardless of the location of the stops in route (even if they cross state lines)

**ALL miles are defined as ALL COMPANY miles, no matter their origination or destination.

ONLY DOT RECORDABLE Accidents that pertain to the mileage chosen above should be submitted.
If you choose to use LOCAL mileage then the accidents that happened DURING those miles are the ones that need to be reported. If you are using ALL miles then ALL DOT Recordable Accidents should be reported, regardless of location.


Failure to consent to an audit or render required documents will deem the contestant ineligible for an award

- ONLY members in good standing with the North Carolina Trucking Association are eligible.
- Only those motor carriers with a SATISFACTORY Safety Rating by the FMCSA may participate.
- All of the following information 
MUST BE PROVIDED without exception, or the entry is deemed invalid:

*North Carolina IFTA Miles and ALL Operational IFTA miles for the prior calendar year.

*ALL DOT Recordable Accidents Accidents are as defined in FMCSR Part 390.5.

*Include your Company DOT Accident Register for the reporting (PRIOR CALENDAR) year

*Register must list EACH accident by date, be noted as fatal, an injury, or a tow away, with city & state

*Carrier Profile Data is REQUIRED including a copy of ALL accidents shown for the previous 12 months.

All carrier profile (SMS/MCMIS DATA) ARE DEEMED STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. The data WILL NOT BE MADE PUBLIC and serves only as a resource for the independent panel of judges. https://pertal.fmcsa.dot.qoviloqin

- Provide the requested SMS/MCMIS Data for the PREVIOUS Calendar 12 months (Jan - Dec)

* If you did not submit an entry in the prior years contest you will also need to include ALL DOT recordable Accidents for the prior year to be eligible for the Most Improved category.

- Accident frequency shall be expressed in terms of the number of accidents per million vehicle miles:
                                  Frequency (RMM) = Number of accidents x 1,000,000 

- The formula for calculating local driver mileage is every hour worked equals 40 miles.
            Example: One week (40 hours x 40 miles) equals 1600 miles/week x 50 weeks = 80,000 per year.


Should any contestant have a question as to whether or not a particular accident should be entered, they may request an interpretation and ruling by the NCTA Safety & Human Resources Council Awards Committee.
Requests for interpretations must be accompanied by complete information regarding the incident so that an accurate and proper ruling can be made.

All winners, including the Grand Champion Award are determined by an independent scoring system. Only one (1) Grand Champion will be honored annually which could come from either division (Local or All miles).  All decisions made by the judges are final.

The NCTA expressly reserves the right to declare that no competition will be held within any mileage CLASS with less than two (2) entries or to change mileage classes. Contestants within such a class or division will be notified of any changes.  NOTE: The actual number of entries in the annual Vehicle Safety contest will likely affect the number of awards to be presented. 

1st and 2nd place winners in each category, Grand Champion and Most Improved will receive awards.

If you have any questions, please email Lindsey Harris at lharris@nctrucking.com.

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

You many only compete in one division Local or All Miles

Please choose the mileage bracket you are competing in based on Jan-Dec mileage in the Contest Year (Jan-Dec of the prior calendar year). 

- Accident frequency shall be expressed in terms of the number of accidents per million vehicle miles:
                                  Frequency (RMM) = Number of accidents x 1,000,000

- The formula for calculating local driver mileage is every hour worked equals 40 miles.
   Example: One week (40 hours x 40 miles) equals 1600 miles/week x 50 weeks = 80,000 per year.

Miles * ALL DOT Recordable Accidents * Rate per Million Miles (all miles travelled) *

Miles * ALL DOT Recordable Accidents * Rate per Million Miles (all miles travelled) *

  • Any accident with a Fatality would only count as Fatalities regardless if they also had injuries or tow aways.  
  • Those with injuries BUT NO fatalities (regardless if they had tow aways) would count as Injuries. 
  • Any accidents that had NEIGHER fatalities or injuries would count toward Tow Aways.

Fatalities * Injuries * Tow Aways * Total Accidents *

Fatalities * Injuries * Tow Aways * Total Accidents *

By entering your name below, you herby certify that the above information is correct to the best of your knowledge and belief. You agree that an audit of the records may be made prior to the announcement of any award to this company. It is understood that your company must currently have a Satisfactory rating with the USDOT, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. 

Upload your DOT Accident Register for the Contest year - must be for the mileage you are submitting

*ALL DOT Recordable Accidents Accidents are as defined in FMCSR Part 390.5.

*Register must list EACH accident by month, be noted as fatal, a tow away, an injury, with city & state 

*If Company did not compete in last year's Fleet Safety Recognition Program, the register must also list accidents for the Prior Year to be eligible for the Most Improved Category

20MB max

Must be in PDF format

20MB max

Upload any additional supporting documentation here

20MB max